Schan Duff
VP of Strategy, Kiva
Schan Duff is Vice President of Strategy at Kiva, a San Francisco-based nonprofit technology company. At Kiva, Schan works with governments, regulators, and international development organizations on the implementation of Kiva Protocol, a decentralized digital identity and credit reporting platform designed to advance financial inclusion in developing markets.
Schan is actively involved in the global financial inclusion community as a consultant to the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), a Research Affiliate at Cambridge University's Center for Alternative Finance, and Senior Fellow at The Aspen Institute. He has been a Fellow of the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research, an American Inns of Court Temple Bar Scholar, and elected member of the American Law Institute.
A financial services lawyer by training, Schan previously practiced with international law firms Allen & Overy and O’Melveny & Myers before joining Juvo Mobile as head of legal.
Schan earned a B.A. from Williams College, a J.D. with honors from the University of Chicago Law School, and PhD from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.